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Pull Requests troubleshooting

Here are some solution to problems you might encounter with your GitHub PRs

Updated over a week ago

Have trouble getting automated Pull Requests?

Case 1: Your Specify config file is not updated on your main branch

Please make sure to update the .specifyrc.json configuration file on your main branch so your changes take effect.

Case 2: you've installed the Specify GitHub app but no Pull Requests are created

Please make sure the owner of your GitHub organization validates the installation of the Specify GitHub app.

You should be able to see the Specify app in GitHub organization > GitHub Apps listing (

Case 3: Your Specify configuration file has errors

Please make sure to test your configuration with the Specify CLI beforehand. We advise you to test your configuration beforehand as you can't get any feedback from our API directly in GitHub.

You could also use our REST API or our CLI within a GitHub Action to get feedback from our API.

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